Omitted example sentences

Non-cash expenses such as depreciation on fixed assets and outstanding incomes and expenses are shown in the latter but omitted in the former.As the concentration of water remains constant it has been omitted from the denominator and incorporated within the dissociation constant.When the recording of transaction is partly omitted from the books, it is an error of partial omission.In statement of affairs, an item of assets or liabilities may get omitted and this omission may remain unknown because the effect of this omission gets adjusted in the capital account balance and the total of both sides of statement match.When a transaction is completely omitted from recording in the books of original record, it is an error of complete omission.Non-cash expenses such as depreciation on fixed assets and outstanding incomes and expenses are shown in the latter but omitted in the former.The concentration of water is omitted from the denominator as water is a pure liquid and its concentration remains constant.Generally the subscript 'eq' (used for equilibrium) is omitted from the concentration terms.

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