Oppress example sentences

You have read about how Jyotirao Phule established a connection in his book Gulamgiri between caste oppression and the practice of slavery in America.Stands for the cause of securing the interests and welfare of the dalits and oppressed people.It makes the lives of the most oppressed section of society as worthy of literary reflection.The novel describes the community life of the Mallas in great detail, their Holi and Kali Puja festivals, boat races, bhatiali songs, their relationships of friendship and animosity with the peasants and the oppression of the upper castes.' 'The Kirghiz welcomed the first revolution (ie February Revolution) with joy and the second revolution with consternation and terror … [This] first revolution freed them from the oppression of the Tsarist regime and strengthened their hope that … autonomy would be realised.Landlords, moneylenders, priests and colonial bureaucrats – all those who hold power in society – form a network of oppression, rob their land and make them into landless labourers.The apartheid system was particularly oppressive for the blacks.The oppressor and the oppressed in this new democracy were planning to live together as equals.Rights protect minorities from the oppression of majority.The party that ruled through oppression and brutal killings and the party that led the freedom struggle sat together to draw up a common constitution.Pandita Ramabai, a great scholar of Sanskrit, felt that Hinduism was oppressive towards women, and wrote a book about the miserable lives of upper-caste Hindu women.I agree that all the struggles that we are involved with – the struggle against displacement, against globalisation, against caste and gender oppression and for an alternative kind of development – all this is political.But the poor, the people from low castes, saw this as an opportunity to get away from the oppressive hold that upper-caste landowners exercised over their lives and the daily humiliation they suffered.The second revolution (October Revolution) was accompanied by violence, pillage, taxes and the establishment of dictatorial power … Once a small group of Tsarist bureaucrats oppressed the Kirghiz.Potheri Kunjambu, a 'lower-caste' writer from north Kerala, wrote a novel called Saraswativijayam in 1892, mounting a strong attack on caste oppression.

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