Ous example sentences
This is what Melani, a domestic worker had to say about her experience of working in Delhi – “My first job was with a rich family that lived in a three-storeyed house.arious incentives and schemes are operational in the country to help business firms improve competitiveness of their exports.Direct methods of personality assessment cannot uncover the unconscious part of our behaviour.The discount/loss on issue of debentures is a capital loss or a fictitious asset and, therefore, must be written-off during the life time of debentures.Human resource management aims at ensuring the availability of working people who have necessary skills to perform various tasks in enterprises.I ran to the neighbours to call the fire department, while I watched my mother run back into the house.He also sees a kitchen dragging a number of house along with it.An increase in autonomous demand thus leads to a smaller increase in output compared to a closed economy.Watching someone sip a cup of tea at a roadside tea stall you may wonder when did people begin to drink tea or coffee? Looking out of the window of a train you may ask yourself when were railways built and how did people travel long distances before the age of railways? Reading the newspaper in the morning you may be curious to know how people got to hear about things before newspapers began to be printed.Generally insect pests attack the plants in three ways: they cut the root, stem and leaf, they suck the cell sap from various parts of the plant, and they bore into stem and fruits.The housing, nutritional and environmental requirements of broilers are somewhat different from those of egg layers.All I have done is make a house for the family to live in.Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, exercised enormous authority because he had great influence over the public.This implies that the number of water molecules from the gaseous state into the liquid state also increases till the equilibrium is attained.Besides carbon dioxide, other greenhouse gases are methane, water vapour, nitrous oxide, CFCs and ozone.
Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English