Paid example sentences

What are these benefits? They get paid leave, payment during holidays, provident fund, gratuity etc.The balance is paid to partners whose capital accounts show a credit balance and the following entry is recorded.shall have to be paid on all unpaid amounts on shares for the period intervening between the day fixed for payment and the time of actual payment thereon.The company may either ask for the entire amount to be paid on application or by means of instalments on application, on allotment and on various calls.At times they get paid Rs 50 for a hard day's work.When any shareholder fails to pay the amount due on allotment or on any of the calls, such amount is known as 'Calls-in-Arrears'/'Unpaid Calls'.Purchase Consideration: Purchase consideration is amount paid by purchasing company in consideration for purchase of assets/business firm, another enterprise/vendor.In case of a financial enterprise (whose main business is lending and borrowing), interest paid, interest received and dividend received are classified as operating activities while dividend paid is the financing activity.Purchase Consideration: Purchase consideration is amount paid by purchasing company in consideration for purchase of assets/business firm, another enterprise/vendor.For example, the transaction for the purchase of materials may be supported by the cash receipt for the money paid, if the same is purchased on cash or copy of invoice and delivery challan, if the same is purchased on credit.(in case the balance amount is not adequate enough to pay off such loans and advances, they are to be paid propartionately); and surplus, if any is to be utilised in settlement of the capital account balances, after adjusting all profits and losses.Interest on debentures is paid to a person who produces the interest coupon attached to such debentures.When a company issues debentures, it is under an obligation to pay interest thereon at fixed percentage (half yearly) periodically until debentures are repaid.Loan from a bank is a flexible source of finance as the loan amount can be increased according to business needs and can be repaid in advance when funds are not needed.Normally, the forfeited shares are reissued as fully paid and at a discount.

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