Palm example sentences
The earliest miniatures were on palm leaves or wood.Since water is available, the people grow date palms.On one side there was the canal and, beyond it, palm trees, grassland, distant mountains, and the blue, blue sky.In some places there are oasis green islands with date palms surrounding them.Indian manuscripts were usually written on palm leaf, or on the specially prepared bark of a tree known as the birch, which grows in the Himalayas.पाण्डुलिपियाँ प्राय: ताड़पत्रों अथवा हिमालय क्षेत्र में उगने वाले भूर्ज नामक पेड़ की छाल से विशेष तरीके से तैयार भोजपत्र पर लिखी मिलती हैं|The palm leaves were cut into pages and tied together to make books.किताब बनाने के लिए ताड़ के पत्तों को काटकर उनके अलग-अलग हिस्सों को एक साथ बाँध दिया जाता था|About half an hour later, I turned towards Seven who was lying on his tummy, chin cupped in his palms, reading comics.Sometimes, when Peggy was asking Wanda those questions in that mocking polite voice, Maddie felt embarrassed and studied the marbles in the palm of her hand, rolling them around and saying nothing herself.egetation in the Sahara desert includes cactus, date palms and acacia.
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