Pane example sentences

Foreign experts were brought to train Japanese professionals.The Show Table Window is meant to add tables, queries or both to the upper pane of Select Query Window.In the hushed silence of the house when I am quite alone, and my friend, who was here has gone, it is very lonely, very quiet, as I sit in a liquid silence, a silence within, surrounded by the rhythm of rain, the steady drift of water on leaves, on lemons, on roof, drumming on drenched dahlias and window panes, while the mist holds the house in a dark caress.The desired SQL statement is directly okeyed in on this pane and saved in the same manner as described for design method.In this form of the Periodic Table, 14 elements of both sixth and seventh periods (lanthanoids and actinoids, respectively) are placed in separate panels at the bottom.A compound having three carbon atoms would have the name propane.Many of these cells are joined into solar panels to generate power for heating and lighting purpose.He only went up to the window, smashed a pane, stuck in his hand, and got hold of the pouch with the thirty kronor.The Indian resident buying a Japanese car pays for it in rupees but the Japanese exporter will expect to be paid in yen.Tilloo was staring at the control panel and its attractive buttons.From 1906, moreover, the export of Indian yarn to China declined since produce from Chinese and Japanese mills flooded the Chinese market.Originally defined in terms of gold, with 35 SDRs being equal to one ounce of gold (the dollar-gold rate of the Bretton Woods system), it has been redefined several times since 197 At present, it is calculated daily as the weighted sum of the values in dollars of four currencies (euro, dollar, Japanese yen, pound sterling) of the five countries (France, Germany, Japan, the UK and the US)., (pentane, 2-methylbutane and 2,2-dimethylpropane).Can you draw the structure of propane, which has the molecular formula C3H8 in a similar manner? You will see that the valencies of all the atoms are satisfied by single bonds between them.First three alkanes – methane, ethane and propane have only one structure but higher alkanes can have more than one structure.

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