Paper example sentences

The wood pulp was mixed with chemicals and finally changed into paper by machines.Rasheeda sat reading the newspaper.रशीदा बैठी अख़बार पढ़ रही थी|The part Margie hated most was the slot where she had to put homework and test papers.Commercial Paper emerged as a source of short term finance in our country in the early nineties.Literary fiction, academic texts, essays, children's books, newspaper articles—his written output is staggeringly large and wide-ranging, In 1980, he acquired the equivalent of intellectual superstardom with the publication of The Name of the Rose, which sold more than 10 million copies.The bank retained as collateral the papers of the new house, which will be returned to Megha only when she repays the entire loan with interest.Most of them imposed censorship laws to control what was said in newspapers, books, plays and songs and reflected the ideas of liberty and freedom associated with the French Revolution.The duty of Asokamitran in Gemini Studios was to cut out newspaper clippings on a wide variety of subjects and store them in files.A short-term need for example can be met through borrowing funds at low rate of interest through trade credit, commercial paper, etc.To know what happened yesterday: you could listen to the radio, watch television, read a newspaper.यह जानने के लिए कि कल क्या हुआ था, तुम रेडियो सुन सकते हो, टेलीविज़न देख सकते हो या फिर अख़बार पढ़ सकते हो|Newspapers and television reports often refer to such allegations.The fact is that if you had read either newspaper you would only know one side of the story.Explain to the class that they have to guess what animal matches the characteristics listed on the paper.Acids are known to turn blue litmus paper into red and liberate dihydrogen on reacting with metals.Janu, an Adivasi activist, has also pointed out that one of the violators of Constitutional rights guaranteed to tribal people are governments in the various states of India – for it is they who allow non-tribal encroachers in the form of timber merchants, paper mills etc, to exploit tribal land, and to forcibly evict tribal people from their traditional forests in the process of declaring forests as reserved or as sanctuaries.

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