Personal example sentences
People who learn prejudiced attitudes may develop a 'prejudiced personality', and show low adjusting capacity, anxiety, and feelings of hostility against the outgroup.A driver in the army went through a personal experience that transformed his life.Informal lenders such as moneylenders, on the other hand, know the borrowers personally and hence are often willing to give a loan without collateral.Cattell: Personality Factors Raymond Cattell believed that there is a common structure on which people differ from each other.Many people were uneasy with such ideas and turned to the teachings of the Buddha or the Jainas according to which it was possible to overcome social differences and break the cycle of rebirth through personal effort.The techniques of personality assessment described so far are known as direct techniques, because they tend to rely on information directly obtained from the person who clearly knows that her/his personality is being assessed.It also creates a psychological pressure on the employees to perform well as they are aware that they are being observed personally on their job.You have already read about this model in Chapter 2 on Self and Personality.Each throws light on some, but not all, aspects of personality.We have diaries of people, accounts of pilgrims and travellers, autobiographies of important personalities, and popular booklets that were sold in the local bazaars.People's belief in the divine was sometimes deeply personal, but more usually it was collective.The epistolary novel, on the other hand, used the private and personal form of letters to tell its story.Personality characterises individuals as they appear in most circumstances.Thus, the cultural approach considers personality as an adaptation of individuals or groups to the demands of their ecology and culture.Resilience has recently been defined in terms of three resources: I HA E (social and interpersonal strengths), i.e. 'people around me I trust and who love me no matter what', I AM (inner strengths), i.e. 'respectful of myself and others', and I CAN ( interpersonal and problem solving skills), i.e. 'find ways to solve problems I face'.
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