Pet example sentences

No business enterprise can flourish in a competitive world without innovation.Now we come to yet another important resource – fossil fuels, that is, coal and petroleum, which are important sources of energy for us.Children with autism often show narrow patterns of interests and repetitive behaviours such as lining up objects or stereotyped body movements such as rocking.He was kneeling on the floor in the next room tinkering with a part of his motorcycle over some newspaper spread on the carpet.When Indian businessmen began setting up industries in the late nineteenth century, they avoided competing with Manchester goods in the Indian market.After removing the drying agent by tilting the box on one side, a watch glass (or petri dish) containing water is quickly placed inside the box.Examples of these resources are forests, wildlife, minerals, coal, petroleum, natural gas etc.First: Indian textiles now had to compete with British textiles in the European and American markets.Increased competition in the market may reduce profit margins of firms.For example, changes in government's economic policies, rapid technological developments, political uncertainty, changes in fashions and tastes of consumers and increased competition in the market — all influence the working of a business enterprise in important ways.What do you think about solubility of alkanes in water based upon nonpolar nature of alkanes? Petrol is a mixture of hydrocarbons and is used as a fuel for automobiles.Petersburg recalled, 'Metalworkers considered themselves aristocrats among other workers.But even so, the business was not especially profitable, so he had to resort to both begging and petty thievery to keep body and soul together.To avoid this, large organisations normally appoint one more cashier (petty cashier) and maintain a separate cash book to record these transactions.In this section, we will discuss skills, concepts, and methods that are designed to help develop concrete competencies.

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