Plasm example sentences

Nutrients (macro and micro essential elements) are required by plants for the synthesis of protoplasm and act as source of energy.The complete disintegration of the nuclear envelope marks the start of the second phase of mitosis, hence the chromosomes are spread through the cytoplasm of the cell.The M Phase starts with the nuclear division, corresponding to the separation of daughter chromosomes (karyokinesis) and usually ends with division of cytoplasm (cytokinesis).Nuclear division is then followed by the cytoplasmic division and is called cytokinesis.The cells of this zone, attain their maximal size in terms of wall thickening and protoplasmic modifications.It conspicuously involves increased protoplasmic material.The furrow gradually deepens and ultimately joins in the centre dividing the cell cytoplasm into two.At the time of cytoplasmic division, organelles like mitochondria and plastids get distributed between the two daughter cells.Since increase in protoplasm is difficult to measure directly, one generally measures some quantity which is more or less proportional to it.It therefore becomes essential for the cell to divide to restore the nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio.Cell growth results in disturbing the ratio between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.The unit contains a coiled cellophane tube surrounded by a fluid (dialysing fluid) having the same composition as that of plasma except the nitrogenous wastes.Cells at the end of prophase, when viewed under the microscope, do not show golgi complexes, endoplasmic reticulum, nucleolus and the nuclear envelope.Their cell walls are primary in nature, thin and cellulosic with abundant plasmodesmatal connections.It causes the protoplasm to get coagulated, in much the same way an egg is coagulated by cooking.

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