Plus example sentences
Some of the surplus labour in agriculture has moved to either the secondary or the tertiary sector.The amount of premium is credited to Securities Premium account and is shown on the liabilities side of the balance sheet under the head “Reserves and Surpluses”.Under a fixed exchange rate system, such as the gold standard, adjustment to BoP surpluses or deficits cannot be brought about through changes in the exchange rate.As stated earlier, international business operates on a simple principle — produce what your country can produce more efficiently, and trade the surplus production so generated with other countries to procure what they can produce more efficiently.The Debenture Redemption Reserve account appears on the liability side of the Balance sheet under the head “Reserves and Surpluses.Levels of income below Ytb lead to lower imports, and thus to a trade surplus.Ability to handle social differences, divisions and conflicts is thus a definite plus point of democratic regimes.It shows the net operating result in the form of surplus (i.e. excess of income over expenditure) or deficit (i.e. excess of expenditure over income), which is transferred to the capital fund shown in the balance sheet.The amount of premium is credited to Securities Premium account and is shown on the liabilities side of the balance sheet under the head “Reserves and Surpluses”.However, there will be a Capital Fund or General Fund in place of the Capital and the surplus on deficit as per Income and Expenditure Account shall be added to/deducted to this fund.In an open economy, the demand for domestic goods is equal to the domestic demand for goods (consumption, investment and government spending) plus exports minus imports.The advantage of such an option is that a company can redeem the debentures at its convenience whenever it has surplus funds.Instead they maintain capital fund which is also called general fund that goes on accumulating due to surpluses generated, life membership fee, donation, legacies, etc.Like Tejpal Singh, other large and medium farmers sell the surplus farm products.From the wheat produced, farmers keep enough wheat for the family's consumption and sell the surplus wheat at the market at Raiganj.
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