Pointed example sentences

Bengal gradually broke away from Mughal control under Murshid Quli Khan who was appointed as the naib, deputy to the governor of the province.You may have felt disappointed that the definition did not refer to any high ideals that we associate with democracy.The Commission is appointed by the President and includes retired judges, officers and eminent citizens.The Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) is appointed by the President of India.The senior most judge of the Supreme Court is usually appointed the Chief Justice.In order to move a control, first select it by a click action, then move the pointer to the edge of the selected control, ensuring that any of the re-sizing handles appearing as bold dot is not pointed at directly.As pointed out earlier, international business is much broader than international trade.Prof Ahmad pointed out that there are several other trees, shrubs, herbs and grasses in the forest.He also reduced the size of jagirs, and appointed his own loyal servants to vacant positions.He slams the door and locks it, picks up the revolver and goes to the phone, where he stands with the gun pointed at the cupboard door.We have pointed out the difference between GDP, GNP, NNP at market price, NNP at factor cost, PI and PDI.Shukla was sitting on his haunches at the appointed spot in Calcutta when Gandhi arrived; he waited till Gandhi was free.Janu, an Adivasi activist, has also pointed out that one of the violators of Constitutional rights guaranteed to tribal people are governments in the various states of India – for it is they who allow non-tribal encroachers in the form of timber merchants, paper mills etc, to exploit tribal land, and to forcibly evict tribal people from their traditional forests in the process of declaring forests as reserved or as sanctuaries.In such a case, the President can ask the newly appointed Prime Minister to prove majority support in the Lok Sabha within a specified time.But once appointed, the Chief Election Commissioner is not answerable to the President or the government.

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