Praise example sentences

The importer procures the said document prepared by the appraiser and pays the duty, if any.They, in fact, “override the motivation to realistically appraise courses of action”.One appraiser examines the document carefully and gives the examination order.In some parts of the country, widows were praised if they chose death by burning themselves on the funeral pyre of their husbands.Your teachers and parents praise and/ or criticise you.A good manager directs through praise and criticism in such a way that it brings out the best in the employee.Negative events are appraised for their possible harm, threat or challenge.The person will be praised if the performance is good (reward), or criticised if it is bad (punishment).For example, a sense of self-confidence or efficacy can determine whether the person is likely to appraise the situation as a threat or a challenge.If an individual is praised for showing a particular attitude, chances are high that s/he will develop that attitude further.The townspeople are all praise for its architect Kunjaramallan Rajaraja Perunthachchan who has proudly carved his name on the temple wall.Budgeting is a source of motivation to the employees who know the standards against which their performance will be appraised and thus, enables them to perform better.The Nayanars and Alvars went from place to place composing exquisite poems in praise of the deities enshrined in the villages they visited, and set them to music.A trade creditor, through an analysis of financial statements, appraises not only the urgent ability of the company to meet its obligations, but also judges the probability of its continued ability to meet all its financial obligations in future.For example, in the case of a simple or familiar task, the person is more sure of performing well, and the eagerness to get praise or reward is stronger.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English