Procedure example sentences

The authorised capital can be increased or decreased as per the procedure laid down in the Companies Act.The government is responsible for setting up laws and procedures that can check pollution, clean rivers and introduce heavy fines for those who pollute.As mentioned earlier in connection with the export procedure, documentary bill of exchange can be of two types: documents against payment (sight draft) and documents against acceptance (usance draft).One might feel that it is much better to have one person take all decisions without any rules, procedures and meetings.Democracies usually develop a procedure to conduct their competition.The procedure for amortisation or periodic write-off of a portion of the cost of intangible assets is the same as that for the depreciation of fixed assets.Any citizen of India can write a letter to this address to complain against the violation of human rights: National Human Rights Commission, Faridkot House, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi 11000 There is no fee or any formal procedure to approach the NHRC.It is called organised because it has some formal processes and procedures.Therefore, when we are trying to find out the outcomes of democracy, it is right to expect democracy to produce a government that follows procedures and is accountable to the people.You can think of the procedure as follows – in order to solve for the values of two variables x and y from two equations, we solve for one variable, say x, in terms of y from one equation first, and then substitute this value into the other equation to obtain the complete solution.Each of these sub-systems follows certain procedures and continuously interacts with each other and their external environment to accomplish the goals of organisation.This makes the procedure of obtaining funds slightly difficult.The issue of shares for cash is required to be made in strict conformity with the procedure laid down by law for the same.The scope of this section includes the basics of Access for creating a Form in Access; transforming the voucher designs in terms of Access objects and properties; and also the procedure for creating Forms for vouchers.He can seek advice from some trade expert for faimiliarising himself with the export import procedures and documentation.

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