Providing example sentences

This is the positive side of a large population that is often overlooked when we look only at the negative side, considering only the problems of providing the population with food, education and access to health facilities.Therefore, if an organisation has a good management team that is efficient and effective it automatically serves society by providing good quality products at reasonable prices.Their main advantage is in providing convenient service to the customers in buying some of the items of their needs.For example, the government is responsible for ensuring security to the citizens and providing facilities for education and health to all.This realisation came due to the fact that accounting is capable of providing the kind of information that managers and other interested persons need in order to make better decisions.In a democracy, the media plays a very important role in providing news and discussing events taking place in the country and the world.The role of an accountant has now shifted from that of a mere recorder of transactions to that of the member providing relevant information to the decision-making team.The Constitution sought to balance these competing claims by providing three lists of subjects: a Union List, with subjects such as taxes, defence and foreign affairs, which would be the exclusive responsibility of the Centre; a State List of subjects, such as education and health, which would be taken care of principally by the states; a Concurrent List, under which would come subjects such as forests and agriculture, in which the Centre and the states would have joint responsibility.It also helps in controlling the costs and providing necessary costing information to management for decision-making.This includes using environmental friendly methods of production, giving employment opportunities to the disadvantaged sections of society and providing basic amenities like schools and cr ches to employees.As stated earlier, these statements refer to the Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet prepared by providing columns for the figureures for both the current year as well as for the previous year and for the changes during the year, both in absolute and relative terms.By showing excessive dominance or indifference, or by providing too much or too little approval, parents can generate among children feelings of isolation and helplessness which interfere with their healthy development.Psychological, social and emotional factors also play important role in providing motivation.The state, in many instances, undertakes production apart from imposing taxes and spending money on building public infrastructure, running schools, colleges, providing health services etc.As of today, the World Bank is a group of five international organisations responsible for providing finance to different countries.

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