Provision example sentences

When debentures are redeemable at a premium, a provision has to be made right at the time of the issue by debiting the amount to 'Loss on Issue of Debentures A/c'.In such circumstances, the company can forfeit their shares, i.e. cancel their allotment and treat the amount already received thereon as forfeited to the company within the framework of the provisions in its articles.Provisions for doubtful debts are made on estimates and personal judgments.It must be noted that the amount of provision for expense and loss is a charge against the revenue of the current period.It is a provision and is shown under the head 'Secured Loans' until debentures are redeemed.It is a provision and is shown under the head 'Secured Loans' until debentures are redeemed.In the rest of this chapter, we will read about the provision of water, which as we have seen, is a public facility of great importance.Franchising is similar to licensing, but it is a term used in connection with the provision of services.Current liabilities include creditors, bills payable, outstanding expenses, provision for taxation net of advance tax, bank overdraft, short-term loans, income received in advance, etc.It is a provision and is shown under the head 'Secured Loans' until debentures are redeemed.Under this scheme special provisions are made so that every village in the country is linked to a major town in the country by an all season motorable road.However, shares can be issued at discount in accordance with the provisions of Section 79 of The Companies Act, 1956 which stipulates that the rate of discount must not exceed 10% of the face value.They thought that the time was not yet ripe for a socialist revolution and the Provisional Government needed to be supported.Creation of provision is necessary to ascertain true and fair profit or loss in compliance with 'Prudence' or 'Conservatism' concept.This refers to the provision for income tax (corporation tax) chargeable on profits, and it is made by debiting the profit and loss account and crediting the provision for taxation account which is shown on the liabilities side under the heading 'Current liabilities and Provisions' in the balance sheet.

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