Putting example sentences

Then after numbering it, the substituents are attached to the correct carbon atoms and finally valence of each carbon atom is satisfied by putting the correct number of hydrogen atoms.Putting it differently, an economy may decide to spend more than the present level of income.You agree to do so, not because of a group norm, or even because you personally believe in banning plastic bags, but because you see no harm or problem in putting such a sticker on your bike.Procrastination means putting off what we know we need to do.Then I washed my hands and mouth at the public tap and returned home, putting on such an innocent face, as if I hadn't even seen the hint of a jalebi all my life.They have to depend for loans (as in the case of Swapna, the small farmer), for raw materials and marketing of their goods (weavers in the putting out system), and most often for employment (workers at the garment factory).” “Besides”, added Karuna, “we have seen that a lot can be achieved by putting pressure on the existing political parties.The process of putting the stimulus we have received into some predetermined category develops as we acquire language.After putting on the mask, audience expected the person to perform a role in a particular manner.Earlier the voters used to indicate who they wanted to vote for by putting a stamp on the ballot paper.Earlier the voters used to indicate who they wanted to vote for by putting a stamp on the ballot paper.The bill can be initially endorsed by the drawer by putting his signatures at the back of the bill along with the name of the party to whom it is being transferred.There are separate areas of association where this sensory information is interpreted by putting it together with information from other receptors as well as with information that is already stored in the brain.We have seen that the weavers are paid very little by the merchant under the putting out system.In our country putting an educational qualification would go against the spirit of democracy for yet another reason.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English