Registered example sentences

Registered debentures are those debentures in respect of which all details including names, addresses and particulars of holding of the debentureholders are entered in a register kept by the company.The second class mail includes book packets, registered newspapers and periodicals.Only a small proportion of the total industrial labour force worked in registered factories: 5 per cent in 1911 and 10 per cent in 193 The rest worked in small workshops and household units, often located in alleys and bylanes, invisible to the passer-by.They are registered by the government and have to follow its rules and regulations which are given in various laws such as the Factories Act, Minimum Wages Act, Payment of Gratuity Act, Shops and Establishments Act etc.From 1935, local authorities have increased the taxes on me … and I was unable to handle them and all my property was registered: my horse, cow, calf, sheep with lambs, all my implements, furniture and my reserve of wood for repair of buildings and they sold the lot for the taxes.Bulk imports as a group registered a growth accounting for 3 09 per cent of total imports.Debentures are of various types such as: secured and unsecured debentures redeemable and perpetual debentures, convertible and non-convertible debentures, zero coupon rate and specific rate, registered and bearer debentures.Over the years, India's trade has registered spectacular growth.Agriculture has been the backbone of the Indian economy though its share in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has registered a declining trend from 1951 onwards; yet its share in providing employment and livelihood to the population continues to be as high as 63 per cent in 200 The declining share of agriculture in the GDP is a matter of serious concern because any decline and stagnation in agriculture will lead to a decline in other spheres of the economy having wider implications for society.But since money is not being used here, these exchanges are not registered as part of economic activity.In India, it is obligatory for every importer (and also for exporter) to get registered with the Directorate General Foreign Trade (DGFT) or Regional Import Export Licensing Authority, and obtain an Import Export Code (IEC) number.Registered debentures are those debentures in respect of which all details including names, addresses and particulars of holding of the debentureholders are entered in a register kept by the company.Registered debentures are those debentures in respect of which all details including names, addresses and particulars of holding of the debentureholders are entered in a register kept by the company.Debentures are of various types such as: secured and unsecured debentures redeemable and perpetual debentures, convertible and non-convertible debentures, zero coupon rate and specific rate, registered and bearer debentures.If the vehicles registered in Delhi are lined up one after the other, the total length would be nearly equal to the combined lengths of the two longest rivers in the world, Nile and Amazon! Boojho remembers seeing a thick fog-like layer in the atmosphere, especially during winters.

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