Regulated example sentences

No DRR is required for debentures issued by All India Financial Institutions, regulated by RBI and Banking Companies for both public as well as privately placed debentures.The acceptance of public deposits is regulated by the Reserve Bank of India.No DRR is required for debentures issued by All India Financial Institutions, regulated by RBI and Banking Companies for both public as well as privately placed debentures.As the nerve fibres do not innervate all cells of the body and the cellular functions need to be continuously regulated; a special kind of coordination and regulation has to be provided.You saw how access to forests and pastures was regulated by modern governments, and how these restrictions and controls affected the lives of those who used these resources.Target tissue metabolism and hence physiological functions are regulated by hormones.No DRR is required for debentures issued by All India Financial Institutions, regulated by RBI and Banking Companies for both public as well as privately placed debentures.In case shares are issued at a premium, i.e. at an amount more than the nominal or par value of shares, the amount of premium is credited to a separate account called 'Securities Premium Account', the use of which is strictly regulated by law.Afforestation, land reclamation, regulated use of chemical pesticide and fertilisers and checks on overgrazing are some of the common methods used to conserve land.No DRR is required for debentures issued by All India Financial Institutions, regulated by RBI and Banking Companies for both public as well as privately placed debentures.These were associations of producers that trained craftspeople, maintained control over production, regulated competition and prices, and restricted the entry of new people into the trade.Even in the areas they were allowed entry, their movements were regulated.Cities expanded in an unregulated way and were filled with overworked and underpaid workers.1 5 REGULATION OF KIDNEY FUNCTION The functioning of the kidneys is efficiently monitored and regulated by hormonal feedback mechanisms involving the hypothalamus, JGA and to a certain extent, the heart.The secretion of PTH is regulated by the circulating levels of calcium ions.

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