Regulation example sentences

Franchisers usually set strict rules and regulations as to how the franchisees should operate while running their business.These regulations were with respect to (a) licensing of imports, (b) tariff restrictions and (c) quantitative restrictions.The earliest management practices were a set of rules and regulations that grew out of the experiences of governmental and commercial activities.They are registered by the government and have to follow its rules and regulations which are given in various laws such as the Factories Act, Minimum Wages Act, Payment of Gratuity Act, Shops and Establishments Act etc.The Chambers of Commerce and Industry interact with the government to formulate such laws and take action against those who violate rules and regulations.DCT and collecting duct allow extensive reabsorption of water and certain electrolytes, which help in osmoregulation: H+, K+ and NH3 could be secreted into the filtrate by the tubules to maintain the ionic balance and pH of body fluids.Malpighian tubules help in the removal of nitrogenous wastes and osmoregulation.To prevent such exploitation, we have talked of rules and regulations for their protection.Pineal gland secretes melatonin, which plays a very important role in the regulation of 24-hour (diurnal) rhythms of our body (e.g., rhythms of sleep and state of being awake, body temperature, etc.Bank certificate of payment is a certificate that the necessary documents (including bill of exchange) relating to the particular export consignment has been negotiated (i.e., presented to the importer for payment) and the payment has been received in accordance with the exchange control regulations.These SEZs are free from all rules and regulations governing imports and exports units except relating to labour and banking Government has also permitted development of EPZs by private, state or joint sector.Observational learning theory also emphasises social learning (based on observation and imitation of others) and self-regulation, which again is missed out in other theories.The government agencies need it for price regulations, taxation and other similar purposes.These techniques have been tried out and found quite effective with respect to self-regulation and self-control.There are international laws and regulations, and then there are our own national laws and acts for environmental protection.

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