Relationship example sentences

Breakeven analysis is a technique used by managers to study the relationship between costs, volume and profits.With this Join, all the records of related table in the relationship are displayed irrespective whether there are matching records in the primary table or not.The end result of mapping both these relationships is to include twice the EmpId, but in different roles.Since every employee is not expected to prepare at least one of the vouchers, the participation of employee in PREPARED BY relationship is partial, implying that some of employee entities are related to the voucher entity via PREPARED BY relationship.Positive health comprises the following constructs: “a healthy body; high quality of personal relationships; a sense of purpose in life; self-regard, mastery of life's tasks; and resilience to stress, trauma, and change”.'Ecology' is the study of the relationships between living beings and their environment.The relationship prepared by between the two entity types vouchers and employees associates each voucher with the employee who prepared it.In PREPARED BY relationship type, EMPLOYEE plays the role of document creator and voucher plays the role of document created.How can you call that a world democracy? Farida: I am not talking about the relationship between different countries.They have become more customer-focused and adopted measures to improve customer relationship and satisfaction.Such a boy may come to consider that men are generally hostile, and may wish to relate to females in a dependable relationship.It expresses the relationship between credit sales and debtors.One to represent debit and another to represent credit relationship.In a counselling-counsellor relationship, a good relationship allows freedom of expression.relationships: Ratios help in simplifying the complex accounting figureures and bring out their relationships.

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