Replicate example sentences
Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India, officially recorded the impressive strides of the Green revolution in agriculture by releasing a special stamp entitled Wheat Revolution in July 196 The success of wheat was later replicated in rice.The replicated chromosomes (DNA) are then distributed to daughter nuclei by a complex series of events during cell division.European ideas of nationalism were nowhere replicated, for people everywhere developed their own specific variety of nationalism.We will not go into these factors in detail in this chapter, but think about this: how do the presence of the Himalayas change the flow of a wind blowing from Allahabad towards the north? The above experiment replicates, on a very small scale, what happens when air with a very high content of water vapour goes from a region of high pressure to a region of low pressure or vice versa.However, since management deals with human beings and human behaviour, the outcomes of these experiments are not capable of being accurately predicted or replicated.During G1 phase the cell is metabolically active and continuously grows but does not replicate its DNA.
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