Residential example sentences

General stores are most commonly found in a local market and residential areas.Also, they are normally situated very near to the residential areas and remain open for long hours.Those living in the industrial area reported greater tension and anxiety than those living in a non-industrial residential area.For instance, the courts directed industries in residential areas in Delhi to close down or shift out of the city.Given the centrality of the President, this system of government is called the Presidential form of government.Allende was the founder leader of the Socialist Party of Chile and led the Popular Unity coalition to victory in the presidential election in 1970.In October 1990, Poland had its first presidential elections in which more than one party could contest.The last category of investment is the residential investment, which refers to the addition of housing facilities.For example, in one part of Kolkata, the psychological reactions to air pollution were compared between a group living in an industrial area, and a group living in a non-industrial residential area.They are also found in streets of residential areas, places of exhibitions or meals, and outside schools, during a lunch break.If you are living in a residential colony, you might have noticed name boards of Resident Welfare Associations.In the presidential elections she defeated one of Chile's richest men.Since then Chile has held four presidential elections in which different political parties have participated.

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