Restricted example sentences
In these, some customary grazing rights of pastoralists were granted but their movements were severely restricted.Mitosis or the equational division is usually restricted to the diploid cells only.For a long time, trade and transport were restricted to a limited space.Alkenes exhibit geometrical (cis-trans) isomerism due to restricted rotation around the carbon–carbon double bond.It tends to remain distant from our lives and restricted to discussions during training programmes.All this was stopped with the new system of territorial boundaries that restricted movements between regions.Restricted entry: The entry to a profession is restricted through an examination or through acquiring an educational degree.In the former the spending gets restricted by the individual income of a household.The second period elements of p-groups starting from boron are restricted to a maximum covalence of four (using 2s and three 2p orbitals).Any holder may transfer a bill unless its transfer is restricted, i.e. the bill has been negotiated containing words prohibiting its transfer.Because of this specific restricted requirement and the need for water for fertilisation, the spread of living pteridophytes is limited and restricted to narrow geographical regions.We will see how new laws and regulations took away their land and restricted their movement.These were associations of producers that trained craftspeople, maintained control over production, regulated competition and prices, and restricted the entry of new people into the trade.Children with autistic disorder have marked difficulties in social interaction and communication, a restricted range of interests, and strong desire for routine.Business in the present day is no longer restricted to the boundaries of the domestic country.
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