Restriction example sentences
There is no restriction on anyone being designated or appointed as manager in any business enterprise.You saw how access to forests and pastures was regulated by modern governments, and how these restrictions and controls affected the lives of those who used these resources.In the economic sphere, liberalism stood for the freedom of markets and the abolition of state-imposed restrictions on the movement of goods and capital.When restrictions were imposed on pastoral movements, grazing lands came to be continuously used and the quality of patures declined.Exporting is not a feasible option when import restrictions exist in a foreign country.Restrictions on public meetings and associations were removed.The main objective of the ITO as they could foresee at that time was to promote and facilitate international trade among the member countries by overcoming various restrictions and discriminations that were being practiced at that time.The Companies Act, 1956 does not impose any restrictions upon the issue of debentures at a discount.Severe restrictions were placed on political activity.For example, restrictions may be imposed on the sale of mortgaged goods, thus making normal business working difficult.The Companies Act, 1956 does not impose any restrictions upon the issue of debentures at a discount.Ban on political parties and restrictions on the media were lifted.And why all these restrictions? Because her husband has died.The Companies Act, 1956 does not impose any restrictions upon the issue of debentures at a discount.Under the ATC, the developed countries agreed to remove quota restrictions in a phased manner during a period of ten years starting from 199 ATC is considered as a landmark achievement of the WTO.
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