Retail example sentences

Although both these types of retail organisations are large establishments, there are certain differences between the two.Most of these stores are organised as independent retail outlets in the form of sole traders or partnership firms.They also relieve the retailers of maintaining large stock of articles and extend credit facilities to them.Internal trade can be categorised into two broad categories wholesale trade; and retailing trade.Retailers generally keep 0stock of a variety of products of different manufacturers.The main advantage of this form of retailing is the provision of convenient service to the consumers.Fixed shop retailers: On the basis of size of operations, (fixed shop retailers can be classified as a) small shopkeepers and (b) large retailers.But as long as the goods are sold to ultimate consumers, these will be treated as cases of retail selling.A super market is a large retailing business unit selling wide variety of consumer goods on the basis of low margin appeal, wide variety and assortment, self-service and heavy emphasis on merchandising appeal.The services provided by wholesalers to retailers include availability of goods marketing support grant of credit specialised knowledge risk sharing A retailer is a business enterprise that is engaged in the sale of goods and services directly to the ultimate consumers.Wholesalers serve as an important link between manufacturers and retailers.Retailers are an important link between the producers and final consumers.As retailers remain in direct and constant touch with the buyers, they serve as an important source of collecting market information about the tastes, preferences and attitudes of customers.Being able to manage with purchase of merchandise in smaller quantities, retailers are in a position to avoid the risk of storage, pilferage, obsolescence, reduction in prices and demand fluctuations in respect of the additional goods that they would have to purchase in case the services of wholesalers are not available.Thus, irrespective of 'how' the products are sold or 'where' the sale is made, if the sales are made directly to the consumers, it will be considered as retailing.

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