Revolt example sentences
Why was this so? During the Revolt, the British had realised that the Mughal emperor was still important to the people and they saw him as their leader.After the Revolt of 1857, many spectacular events were held there.After a failed revolt led by Wolfe Tone and his United Irishmen (1798), Ireland was forcibly incorporated into the United Kingdom in 180 A new 'British nation' was forged through the propagation of a dominant English culture.Several battles were fought by Guru Gobind Singh against the Rajput and Mughal rulers, both before and after the institution of the Khalsa in 169 After his death in 1708, the Khalsa rose in revolt against the Mughal authority under Banda Bahadur's leadership, declared their sovereign rule by striking coins in the name of Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind Singh, and established their own administration between the Sutlej and the Jamuna.Unnerved by the scale of the upheaval, the Company decided to repress the revolt with all its might.Parallel to the revolts of the poor, unemployed and starving peasants and workers in many European countries in the year 1848, a revolution led by the educated middle classes was under way.All this changed after 185 During the Revolt that year, as you have seen, the rebels gathered in the city, and persuaded Bahadur Shah to become the leader of the uprising.Earlier, in 1845, weavers in Silesia had led a revolt against contractors who supplied them raw material and gave them orders for finished textiles but drastically reduced their payments.Elsewhere, weavers along with the village traders revolted, opposing the Company and its officials.It brought reinforcements from England, passed new laws so that the rebels could be convicted with ease, and then moved into the storm centres of the revolt.Thus a new phase of history began after 185 While the revolt was spreading in India in 1857, a massive popular uprising was raging in the southern parts of China.Catholic revolts against British dominance were suppressed.These revolts were sometimes caused by the pressures of mounting taxes.
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