Roc example sentences

These soils develop a reddish colour due to diffusion of iron in crystalline and metamorphic rocks.Sujata and Kavita were sent to buy groceries from their neighbourhood shop.The utilisation of glucose to provide energy to living things involves the process of respiration in which oxygen may or may not be used to convert glucose back into carbon dioxide.In the process, fiscal policy creates a surplus (when total receipts exceed expenditure) or a deficit budget (when total expenditure exceed receipts) rather than a balanced budget (when expenditure equals receipts).In the process of metamorphism in some rocks grains or minerals get arranged in layers or lines.Yet, explaining the processes that lie behind these behaviours is a complex matter.As a result banks use a greater (or smaller) proportion of their resources for giving out loans to borrowers or investors, thereby enhancing (or depressing) the multiplier process via assisting (or resisting) secondary money creation.The importer then proceeds to obtain the import licence, if required, from the office of the Directorate General Foreign Trade (DGFT) or Regional Import Export Licensing Authority.For example, observational learning theory considers thought processes extremely important in learning, but these find almost no place in classical or instrumental conditioning theories.Motivation is the process of stimulating people to action to accomplish desired goals of organisation.On the bitterly cold morning of 18 January 1871, an assembly comprising the princes of the German states, representatives of the army, important Prussian ministers including the chief minister Otto von Bismarck gathered in the unheated Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of ersailles to proclaim the new German Empire headed by Kaiser William I of Prussia.Like alkenes, alkynes are also unsaturated hydrocarbons.The processes include a wide range of activities that convert the raw material into finished products.Secondary activities are concerned with the processing of these resources.While they make production of other commodities feasible, they themselves don't get transformed in the production process.

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