Sale example sentences

Retailing is, thus, that branch of business which is devoted to the sale of goods and services to the ultimate consumers, for their personal, non-business use.The roadside hawker whom you read about earlier would have purchased a large quantity of plastic items from a wholesale trader in the town.For example, if the sales had been 1,050, then not only the production of 1,000 shirts will be sold, the firm will have to sell 50 shirts out of the inventory.On the other hand, purchase and sale of goods in relatively small quantities, generally to the ultimate consumers, is referred to as retail trade.100 on the expenditure side of the Income and Expenditure Account as a loss on sale of old asset and while showing furniture in the balance sheet Rs.Occasionally he makes a sale, but in a curiously offhanded way as if this were incidental to his enterprise.Wholesalers provide various services to the manufacturers as well as the retailers and provide immense help in the distribution of goods and services.By undertaking personal selling efforts, the retailers relieve the producers of this activity and greatly help them in the process of actualising the sale of the products.Moreover most purchases in the market are small retail sales.Retailers provide important after-sales services in the form of home delivery, supply of spare parts and attending to customers.But the lending institutions may insist on some more assets as collateral security so that the amount of loan can be realised in full with the help of collateral security in case the amount from the sale of principal security should fall short of the loan money.If in the above example, credit sales had been duly recorded in the sales book but the posting from sales book to Mohan s account has not been made, it would be an error of partial omission.The fixed charge is created against those assets which are held by a company for use in operations not meant for sale whereas floating charge involves all assets excluding those assigned to the secured creditors.Services to manufacturers/wholesalers: Different services provided by retailers to wholesalers and manufacturers include helping distribution of goods; personal selling; enabling large scale operations; collecting market information; and help in promotion of goods and services.But the lending institutions may insist on some more assets as collateral security so that the amount of loan can be realised in full with the help of collateral security in case the amount from the sale of principal security should fall short of the loan money.

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