Sandwich example sentences

The lady of the house must prepare sandwiches on the occasion of her daughter s engagement.The western coast, sandwiched between the Western Ghats and the Arabian Sea, is a narrow plain.(taking book from his head) A sandwich? Sandwiches are the main staple of Earth diet.Lieutenant Iota, I order you to eat this — this sandwich.Well, sir, I have seen surveyor films of those sandwiches.Those sandwiches are not for ear communication, they are for eye communication.I don't know how the Earthlings can get those sandwiches down without water.Now, Captain Omega, take that large, colourful sandwich over there.IOTA : (dubiously) Eat it? Oh, Captain! It's a very great honour to be the first Martian to eat a sandwich, I'm sure, but — but how can I be so impolite as to eat before my Sergeant? (handing Oop the book and saying brightly) Sergeant Oop, I order you to eat the sandwich immediately.I seem to recall that the Earthlings did not listen to the sandwiches; they opened them and watched them.THINK-TANK : That item in your hand is called a sandwich.By that time, Great and Mighty Think-Tank had been replaced by a very clever Martian — the wise and wonderful Noodle! Oh, yes, we taught the Martians the difference between sandwiches and books.I beg your pardon, but an insignificant bit of data floated into my mind about those sandwiches.

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