Save example sentences
As a result, a saved report design, when opened, displays the information content according to the current state of data.Only the three other children who came with him were saved.You will not use up this entire extra income but save a certain fraction, say 20 per cent, of it to build up a cushion of savings for the period when you cease to earn income, or for meeting large expenses in future.An ambitious plan to save the river, called the Ganga Action Plan was launched in 198 It aimed to reduce the pollution levels in the river.“I should have thought you got quite tired of hearing people say 'God save the king',” said the Queen.This requires a constant effort to save and strengthen democratic forms of decision making.You save electricity by switching off unnecessary lights and fans.This view is called Ricardian equivalence after one of the greatest nineteenth century economists, David Ricardo, who first argued that in the face of high deficits, people save more.After she had enough money saved, her next problem was how to slip out of the house without her mother's knowledge.Motivation helps to reduce employee turnover and thereby saves the cost of new recruitment and training.The other channels of disposing their income are closed: we have assumed that the households do not save, they do not pay taxes to the government – since there is no government, and neither do they buy imported goods since there is no external trade in this simple economy.He somehow managed to save himself, his wife and his baby daughter from the waves.Different people plan to save different fractions of their additional incomes (with the rich typically saving a greater proportion of their income than the poor), and if we average these we may arrive at a fraction which will give us an idea of what proportion of the total additional income of the economy people wish to save as a whole.Save Democracy was the slogan given by Janata Party in the next Lok Sabha election held in 197 The party promised to undo the excesses committed during Emergency and restore civil liberties.Sowing by using a seed drill saves time and labour.
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