Securing example sentences

Stands for the cause of securing the interests and welfare of the dalits and oppressed people.E-Choupal delivers real-time information and customised knowledge to improve the farmer s decision-making ability, thereby better aligning farm output to market demands; securing better quality, productivity and improved price discovery.Universal adult franchise and the principle of one-person-one-vote compelled political leaders to gear up to the task of mobilising and securing political support.After securing good percentage in your previous examination, as promised, your father wishes to buy you a computer.It talks about securing for all its citizens equality, liberty and justice.Assessing importer's creditworthiness and securing a guarantee for payments: After receipt of the indent, the exporter makes necessary enquiry about the creditworthiness of the importer.Accepts democratic elections as a useful and helpful means for securing the objective of socioeconomic justice in India.The European companies gradually gained power – first securing a variety of concessions from local courts, then the monopoly rights to trade.

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