Selling example sentences

Television channels made money by selling television spots to companies who were happy to pay large sums of money to air commercials for their products to cricket s captive television audience.The counselling relationship is the initial vehicle through which this begins.Instead of selling a variety of products of different types, these retail stores specialise in the sale of a specific line of products.But as long as the goods are sold to ultimate consumers, these will be treated as cases of retail selling.Weavers no longer had the liberty of selling their own cloth or weaving their own patterns.Once, when he set out in the morning on his selling round, and then again, when he returned after emptying his huge basket.Similarly, we see other people of the service sector on the street pushing a cart or selling something where they may spend the whole day but earn very little.ending machines can be useful for selling pre-packed brands of low priced products which have high turnover and which are uniform in size and weight.In brief, counselling usually has an allinclusive outcome for the clients.For example, shops selling children's garments, men's wear, ladies shoes, toys and gifts, school uniforms, college books or consumer electronic goods, etc.Another prerequisite for developing as a psychologist is the competence in the domain of counselling and guidance.Some other formats are information gathering interview, counselling interview, interrogatory interview, radio-television interview, and research interview.She could earn only Rs 20 to 30 a day by selling fish.The town is bustling with markets selling grain, spices, cloth and jewellery.“And then we must see that he gets something else to do than to run around the country selling rattraps.

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