Sentence example sentences

This description of a chemical reaction in a sentence form is quite long.Patients hear sounds or voices that speak words, phrases and sentences directly to the patient (secondperson hallucination) or talk to one another referring to the patient as s/he (thirdperson hallucination).It means that no person can be killed unless the court has ordered a death sentence.He and seven other leaders were sentenced to life imprisonment in 1964 for daring to oppose the apartheid regime in his country.And sitting opposite him I could feel his anguish, the mind buoyant with thoughts that came out in frozen phrases and sentences stiff as corpses.Semantics is the branch of linguistics dealing with the meaning of words and sentences.Now seat these groups into two different rooms and ask them to discuss a recent case in which death sentence has been given by the court.If neither confesses, each will receive a light sentence.In the midst of descriptions of the meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society, the unseasonably warm weather, the opening matches of the football season and a recent bye-election, Duttada spotted the sentence he was eagerly looking for: “The charge of the Light Brigade has begun.As scribes copied manuscripts, they also introduced small changes — a word here, a sentence there.Eighty-five sepoys were dismissed from service and sentenced to ten years in jail for disobeying their officers.Yet to hear any flute is, it seems to me, to be drawn into the commonality of all mankind, to be moved by music closest in its phrases and sentences to the human voice.A school boy asked me to describe the hill station and valley in one sentence, and all I could say was: A paradise that might have been.Delhi was recaptured from the rebel forces in September 185 The last Mughal emperor, Bahadur Shah Zafar was tried in court and sentenced to life imprisonment.Some of them require reporting associations with stimuli (e.g., words, inkblots), some involve story writing around pictures, some require sentence completions, some require expression through drawings, and some require choice of stimuli from a large set of stimuli.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English