Sepoy example sentences
On 10 May, the soldiers marched to the jail in Meerut and released the imprisoned sepoys.In Bihar, an old zamindar, Kunwar Singh, joined the rebel sepoys and battled with the British for many months.They acted arrogantly, marched into villages with sepoys and peons, and punished weavers for delays in supply – often beating and flogging them.The Indian sepoys in the employ of the Company also had reasons for discontent.They worked upon the feelings of sepoys, telling them how treacherously the foreigners had behaved towards their king.Some days later, some sepoys of the regiment at Meerut refused to do the army drill using the new cartridges, which were suspected of being coated with the fat of cows and pigs.Sepoys also reacted to what was happening in the countryside.So the anger of the peasants quickly spread among the sepoys.The sepoys said: the English were determined to wipe out the religions of the Hindus and the Muslims … they had made a list of eighty-four rules and announced these in a gathering of all big kings and princes in Calcutta.Eighty-five sepoys were dismissed from service and sentenced to ten years in jail for disobeying their officers.Did you know that in those days many people in the country believed that if they crossed the sea they would lose their religion and caste? So when in 1824 the sepoys were told to go to Burma by the sea route to figureht for the Company, they refused to follow the order, though they agreed to go by the land route.The sepoys of Meerut rode all night of 10 May to reach Delhi in the early hours next morning.Nevertheless, hundreds of sepoys, rebels, nawabs and rajas were tried and hanged.Sepoys mutinied in several places beginning from Meerut and a large number of people from different sections of society rose up in rebellion.Sitaram Pande was recruited in 1812 as a sepoy in the Bengal Native Army.
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