Service example sentences
It is the value of all final goods and services produced within a country during a particular year.These, as you have read, include the privatisation of health services in the country, the increasing control that business houses exert on the media, the low value given to women and their work, and the low earnings made by small farmers who grow cotton.Whenever there is a complaint regarding a good or service that had been bought, the seller tries to shift all the responsibility on to the buyer.If the volume of goods and services produced in the economy remains unchanged, the extra money will lead to increase in prices of all commodities.How much extra amount of money will the firms pay? The additional factor payments must be equal to the value of the additional goods and services that are being produced.So we can calculate the aggregate value of goods and services produced in the economy by any of the three methods (a) measuring the aggregate value of factor payments (income method) (b) measuring the aggregate value of goods and services produced by the firms (product method) (c) measuring the aggregate value of spending received by the firms (expenditure method).The value of all goods and services can be expressed in monetary units.Awareness of the ethical standards and codes is extremely important, because counselling is a part of the service sector.Trade, transport, communication, banking, education, health, tourism, services, insurance etc.Debtors are persons and/or other entities who owe to an enterprise an amount for buying goods and services on credit.Establishment of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), agricultural universities, veterinary services and animal breeding centres, horticulture development, research and development in the field of meteorology and weather forecast, etc.Non-tax revenue of the central government mainly consists of interest receipts (on account of loans by the central government which constitutes the single largest item of non-tax revenue), dividends and profits on investments made by the government, fees and other receipts for services rendered by the government.Gross Domestic Product measures the aggregate production of final goods and services taking place within the domestic economy during a year.It governs trade not only in goods, but also in services and intellectual property rights.Sales are total revenues from goods or services sold or provided to customers.
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