Similar example sentences

Bond is similar to debenture in terms of contents and texture.Similarly to ensure that workers are not underpaid, or are paid fairly, there is a law on minimum wages.In majority of the pteridophytes all the spores are of similar kinds; such plants are called homosporous.For example, iodine with lower atomic weight than that of tellurium (Group I) was placed in Group along with fluorine, chlorine, bromine because of similarities in properties (Figureure 1).Similarly, the forest cover in the Himalayan Uttarakhand region has been protected through the Chipko movement ('chipko' literally means 'sticking to' or hugging trees).As we explained above, personality types are used to represent and communicate a set of expected behaviours based on similarities.Similarly, Germania became the allegory of the German nation.Let us get back to our discussion on similarities and differences among governments that are called democracies.Similarly, if the cash flows from operating activities are worked by direct method while preparing the cash flow statement, it will be termed as 'direct method Cash Flow Statement'.Similarly, bases are known to turn red litmus paper blue, taste bitter and feel soapy.It is similar to a GDR except that it can be issued only to American citizens and can be listed and traded on a stock exchange of USA.Similarly, political competition may cause divisions and some ugliness, but it finally helps to force political parties and leaders to serve the people.Similarly, if you are living in a city, you will have seen private companies supplying water through tankers or supplying drinking water in sealed bottles.Similarly, there are things like electricity, public transport, schools and colleges that are also necessary.Similarly equity capital has a role to play in the scheme for raising funds in the corporate sector.

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