Slam example sentences

By the 1890s, Hindus and Muslims were busy gathering funds and support for a Hindu Gymkhana and an Islam Gymkhana.This was an age when Islam, Brahmanical Hinduism, Sufism, various strands of bhakti, and the Nathpanths, Siddhas and Yogis influenced one another.I said I didn't care a hang whether the soap was in or whether it wasn't; and I slammed the bag shut and strapped it, and found that I had packed my tobacco-pouch in it, and had to re-open it.And like Hinduism, Islam was interpreted in a variety of ways by its followers.Why should I bother about communalism and secularism? particular religion like Hinduism or Islam but moral values that inform all religions.Unlike the status of Buddhism in Sri Lanka, that of Islam in Pakistan and that of Christianity in England, our Constitution does not give a special status to any religion.Many rulers were patrons of Islam and the ulama – learned theologians and jurists.For example, the Governor of the Bombay Presidency while dealing with an application from the Islam Gymkhana for land on Bombay s seafront wrote: we can be certain that in a short time we shall get a similar application from some Hindu Gymkhana I don t see how we are to refuse these applicants; but I will refuse any more grants once a Gymkhana has been established by each nationality .He slams the door and locks it, picks up the revolver and goes to the phone, where he stands with the gun pointed at the cupboard door.Islam propagated strict monotheism or submission to one God.“Now I think Bangladesh will have a chance to choose between good and bad and eventually have a good government,” said Shahedul Islam, a government official.ruined huts……… Before the giant waves slammed into the coast in India and Sri Lanka, wild and domestic animals seemed to know what was about to happen.His teachings openly ridiculed all forms of external worship of both Brahmanical Hinduism and Islam, the pre-eminence of the priestly classes and the caste system.On the other hand, many dominant tribes of Punjab, Sind and the North-West Frontier had adopted Islam quite early.You will find out more about the spread of peasant societies, the rise of regional and imperial state formations — sometimes at the cost of pastoral and forest people — the development of Hinduism and Islam as major religions and the arrival of European trading companies.

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