Son example sentences

Once we are able to characterise someone's personality, we can predict how that person will probably behave in a variety of circumstances.Some persons have to take decisions on how to go about these activities.From 1964 to 1967, President Lyndon Johnson and his advisors in the U.They increase the person's awareness, level of knowledge, and range of behavioural and cognitive coping options.That is why important items like the appointment of a new managing director, signing of contracts or changes in personnel are not shown in the books of accounts.This validates your opinion, and you start liking the person who was instrumental in validating your opinion.The geological processes of mineral formation are so slow that the rates of replenishment are infinitely small in comparison to the present rates of consumption.No one should be denied the right to vote without a good reason.The census of 1931 revealed that the walled city area was horribly crowded with as many as 90 persons per acre, while New Delhi had only about 3 persons per acre.P is planning to get his son married to the daughter of some person (O) who has a negative attitude towards dowry (O- negative).More than loyalty to party principles and policies, personal loyalty to the leader becomes more important.The availability of such resources is the main reason places differ from each other.Thus, the cost to this person is Rs 600 while he sells the shirt for Rs 1,200.oluntary Association: persons who are willing to form a company can come together voluntarily for carrying on a business.The risk of developing CHD with Type-A personality is sometimes even greater than the risks caused by high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, or smoking.

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