Spice example sentences
GATT came into existence with effect from 1st January 1948 and remained in force till December 199 arious rounds of negotiations have taken place under the auspices of GATT to reduce tariff and non-tariff barriers.Moreover, some agricultural products like tea, coffee, spices, etc.The cotton textiles which they took back to Europe, along with the spices, came to be called calico (derived from Calicut), and subsequently calico became the general name for all cotton textiles.egetables, spices and fruits provide a range of vitamins and minerals in addition to small amounts of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.arious types of food and fibre crops, vegetables and fruits, spices and condiments, etc.The Qutb Shahi rulers of Golconda imposed royal monopolies on the sale of textiles, spices and other items to prevent the trade passing completely into the hands of the various East India Companies.Coorg, or Kodagu, the smallest district of Karnataka, is home to evergreen rainforests, spices and coffee plantations.In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, European countries were searching for spices and textiles, which had become popular both in Europe and West Asia.At present there are seven commodity boards in India: Coffee Board, Rubber Board, Tobacco Board, Spice Board, Central Silk Board, Tea Board, and Coir Board.The Sufi masters held their assemblies in their khanqahs or hospices.They sold textiles and spices in these ports and, in exchange, brought gold and ivory from Africa; and spices, tin, Chinese blue pottery and silver from Southeast Asia and China.Many came from far and near to these towns to buy local articles and sell products of distant places like horses, salt, camphor, saffron, betel nut and spices like pepper.In the nineteenth century when European traders came to India, at that time too, Indian spices were exported to different countries of the world and farmers of south India were encouraged to grow these crops.The spices, muslin and other merchandise were taken from India to different countries.Indian spices and cloth sold in the Red Sea ports were purchased by Italian traders and eventually reached European markets, fetching very high profits.
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