Stress example sentences

), maladaptive family structures (inadequate or disturbed family), and severe stress.However, human reactions to these varying stressors may differ.All the challenges, problems, and difficult circumstances put us to stress.This involves denying or minimising the seriousness of the situation; it also involves conscious suppression of stressful thoughts and their replacement by self-protective thoughts.When this number goes beyond a certain level, it causes stress to individuals caught in that situation.Confrontative action against the stressor (figureht) or withdrawal from the threatening event (flight) are two general categories of behavioural responses.The concentration stress of an added reactant/product is relieved by net reaction in the direction that consumes the added substance.It has been argued as to whether life events have caused some stress-related illness or whether stress caused the life events and illness.For example, the death of one's spouse is assigned 95, personal illness or injury 56, failure in examination 43, appearing for examination or interview 43, change in sleeping habits 33, as the mean stress score.If one thinks one has a positive attitude, health, skills and social support to deal with the crises s/he will feel less stressed.Specifically, factors that act as stress buffers and facilitate positive health are diet, exercise, positive attitude, positive thinking, and social support.As in the case of the other environmental stressors, people react with different intensities to natural disasters.There are three main phases in this : assessment, stress reduction techniques, and application and followthrough.For example, a student facing a stressful event such as a difficult board examination, if provided information by a friend who has faced a similar one, would not only be able to identify the exact procedures involved, but also it would facilitate in determining what resources and coping strategies could be useful to successfully pass the examination.Any of the symptoms can indicate a degree of stress which, if left unresolved, might have serious implications.

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