Successful example sentences

If one has handled similar situations very successfully in the past, they would be less threatening for her/him.He quite successfully recreated the mood and manner of the Devadasis of the early 20th century.We saw in the first chapter how Belgium has successfully negotiated differences among ethnic populations.For example, a child who does not pass successfully through the phallic stage fails to resolve the Oedipal complex and may still feel hostile toward the parent of the same sex.n 1905, Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon, made the first successful attempt to formally measure intelligence.Unsuccessful resolution of conflicts results in abnormal behaviour.In order to be successful, an organisation must change itself and its goals according to the needs of the environment.Diabetic patients are successfully treated with insulin therapy.By the beginning of the nineteenth century, Englishmade cotton textiles successfully ousted Indian goods from their traditional markets in Africa, America and Europe.The ADS Grain Bank programme is acknowledged as a successful and innovative food security intervention.The above case is an example of a successful organisation which is amongst the top companies in India.Twenty cards are appropriate for a subject, although a lesser number of cards (even five) have also been successfully used.But if India imports cereals while exporting high-value commodities, it will be following successful economies like Italy, Israel and Chile.The first successful modern textile mill was established in Mumbai in 185 The warm, moist climate, port for importing machinery, availability of raw material and skilled labour resulted in rapid expansion of the industry in the region.Generally, laws that seek to ban something are not very successful in politics.

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