Summon example sentences
But when my feet hit bottom I summoned all my strength and made what I thought was a great spring upwards.If I hadn't eaten I would have been asked to explain why I did not want any food, and if I had pretended illness the doctor would have been summoned and if the doctor, after feeling my pulse, had declared, Munna has devoured a mound of jalebis, I would simply die.Sensing trouble, Prime Minister Kerenskii had left the city to summon troops.He summoned all his strength, got up, and staggered in the direction of the sound.Like any court it can summon witnesses, question any government official, demand any official paper, visit any prison for inspection or send its own team for on-the-spot inquiry.In June, Gandhi was summoned to Sir Edward Gait, the Lieutenant-Governor.In consequence, Gandhi received a summons to appear in court the next day.
Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English