Supporter example sentences

Non-Bolshevik socialists, liberals and supporters of autocracy condemned the Bolshevik uprising.An enthusiastic supporter of British conquest of India, Rennel saw preparation of maps as essential to the process of domination.Supporters of private property among 'whites' took harsh steps with peasants who had seized land.In this photograph of her victory speech, she is saying to her supporters: “Because I was the victim of hatred, I have dedicated my life to reverse that hatred and turn it into understanding, tolerance and — why not say it — into love.Bolshevik supporters in the army, soviets and factories were brought together.Can you think of soem reforms? What can an ordinary citizen do to face these challenges? Supporters or hired musclemen of party or a candidate gain physical control of a polling booth and cast false votes by threatening everyone or by preventing genuine voters from reaching the polling booth.In a swift response, the Military Revolutionary Committee ordered its supporters to seize government offices and arrest ministers.Being heavy and non-supporter of combustion it is used as fire extinguisher.Supporters or hired musclemen of party or a candidate gain physical control of a polling booth and cast false votes by threatening everyone or by preventing genuine voters from reaching the polling booth.In some countries, such as the USA, members and supporters of a party choose its candidates.During this period the candidates contact their voters, political leaders address election meetings and political parties mobilise their supporters.During this period the candidates contact their voters, political leaders address election meetings and political parties mobilise their supporters.This approach had many strong supporters, but also some vocal critics.” Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru was a great supporter of the planning process.He caught the imagination of the people and raised a huge force of supporters.

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