Taking example sentences
Suppose there is an employee who has been caught taking bribe or engaging in some other unethical act.If we repeat the experiment taking two tubes of different diameters we find that at equilibrium the level of coloured water in two cylinders is different.The process of control involves setting performance standards, measurement of actual performance, comparison of actual performance with standards, analysis of deviations and taking corrective action.Cricket fans know that watching a match involves taking sides.It is to be noted that while calculating the value added we are taking the value of production of firm.Those who are not powerful have the same say in taking the decision as those who are powerful.He was opposed to foreign companies taking away natural resources like copper from the country.Not only that it would rationalize known chemical facts about elements, but even predict new ones for undertaking further study.More and more nomadic herdsmen are taking to city life finding jobs in oil and gas operations.Most abusers further develop a dependence on heroin, revolving their lives around the substance, building up a tolerance for it, and experiencing a withdrawal reaction when they stop taking it.How can they talk of democracy?” These ways of using the word democracy go back to its basic sense of a method of taking decisions.Undertaking of construction projects in foreign countries is also an example of export of business services.Formed government in Uttar Pradesh several times by taking the support of different parties at different times.These statements provide financial data which require analysis, comparison and interpretation for taking decision by the external as well as internal users of accounting information.In a democracy, the media plays a very important role in providing news and discussing events taking place in the country and the world.
Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English