Teach example sentences

“I can't think why those girls wanted to teach their parrots to say it too.The society we grow up in teaches us what kind of behaviour is acceptable for girls and boys, what boys and girls can or cannot do.Do you think I am a Sunday-school teacher? The game's up as far as I'm concerned.For example, the distance of an audience from a public speaker, or a teacher in a classroom.In the example given above, you may sign the letter more readily if a senior teacher or a student leader asks you to do so.The instructions were so arranged that the teacher was faced with a dilemma — should s/he continue shocks even when they were increasingly painful? The experimenter kept on motivating the teacher to continue.For instance, a teacher who observes a student in school may draw conclusions about her/him that are quite different from the conclusions drawn by the student's mother, who observes her/him at home.The culture in which one grows up can teach its members to be aggressive or not by encouraging and praising aggressive behaviour, or discouraging and criticising such behaviour.And the teachers were people The mechanical teacher was flashing on the screen: When we add fractions and .Care has been taken to give a central place to the learner in the process of teaching and learning.In the morning, before going to school, you interact with your family members; in school, you discuss topics and issues with your teachers and classmates; and after school you phone up, visit or play with your friends.“This is swindling — I shall send the police for you, damn you!” “Sir!” he said, laying his hand on his heart, “the fact is I was lying! I am neither a student nor a schoolteacher.Draws inspiration from the ideas and teachings of Sahu Maharaj, Mahatma Phule, Periyar Ramaswami Naicker and Babasaheb Ambedkar.Each family met its needs by the members making their own clothes and teaching their own children.His teachings openly ridiculed all forms of external worship of both Brahmanical Hinduism and Islam, the pre-eminence of the priestly classes and the caste system.

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