Ten example sentences

Whereas in written down value method, the basis of charging depreciation is net book value (i.e., original cost less depreciation till date) of the asset, in the beginning of the year.Metamorphism occurs when rocks are forced down to lower levels by tectonic processes or when molten magma rising through the crust comes in contact with the crustal rocks or the underlying rocks are subjected to great amounts of pressure by overlying rocks.True, she had not enjoyed listening to Peggy ask Wanda how many dresses she had in her closet, but she had said nothing.The women of the household often sat on the verandas to supervise tailors or other tradesmen.The tenth plan endeavoured to increase the enrollment in higher education of the 18 to 23 years age group from the present 6% to 9% by the end of the plan period.During leptotene stage the chromosomes become gradually visible under the light microscope.Thus, a rise in the interest rates at home often leads to an appreciation of the domestic currency.This represents a great step forward for 'green chemistry', reducing potentially hazardous waste through smarter production.After the information is attended to and processed, planning is activated.You can imagine how I blushed and how frightened I was.Directing guides employees to fully realise their potential and capabilities by motivating and providing effective leadership.Everybody listened closely as Miss Mason read the brief note.We should use less vehicles driven by fossil fuels; use less sulphur content fossil fuels for power plants and industries.ery often the entire household – including all the women and children – had to work at various stages of the production process.Regular exercise plays an important role in managing weight and stress, and is shown to have a positive effect on reducing tension, anxiety and depression.

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