Tension example sentences

It was three months before the tension began to slack.Their minds and hearts are filled with sorrow, unrest and tension and they feel that they are unable to move ahead in their lives; they feel life is a painful, uphill struggle, sometimes not worth living.However, the seller of goods even after extension of credit can get payment immediately either by discounting the bill with the bank or by endorsing it in favour of a third party.Cobras are recognised by the hoods that they flare when angry or disturbed; the hoods are created by the extension of the ribs behind the cobras' heads.Ensuring greater power to local governments, extension of federal principle to all the units of the federation, inclusion of women and minority groups, etc.Those living in the industrial area reported greater tension and anxiety than those living in a non-industrial residential area.An existing asset may require some additions or extensions for being suitable for operations.As you have already read in Chapter 3, stress is an unpleasant psychological state which creates tension and anxiety in the individual.This reduces the possibility of these tensions becoming explosive or violent.Many of the pressure groups are the extensions of political parties among different sections of society.Throughout this period there was a gradual clearing of forests and the extension of agriculture, a change faster and more complete in some areas than in others.Some examples are feelings of anxiety and depression, increased physical tension, increased psychological tension and mood swings.It is marked by motor tension, as a result of which the person is unable to relax, is restless, and visibly shaky and tense.Regular exercise plays an important role in managing weight and stress, and is shown to have a positive effect on reducing tension, anxiety and depression.The collection of entities of a particular entity type is grouped into entity set, called the extension of the entity type.

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