Thank example sentences

Thanks to solar energy, we can generate sufficient power to make our life comfortable.As soon as they got up from the table he went around to each one present and said thank you and good night, but when he came to the young girl she gave him to understand that it was her father's intention that the suit which he wore was to be a Christmas present — he did not have to return it; and if he wanted to spend next Christmas Eve in a place where he could rest in peace, and be sure that no evil would befall him, he would be welcomed back again.Thank goodness, she didn't live up on Boggins Heights or have a funny name.And how may you be getting on? We just get along somehow, my angel, thanks to your prayers, and so on.Modi thanks and the people return home.मोदी धन्यवाद देते हैं और लोग घर लौटते हैं|Once again, the wealthy have more choices, thanks to the booming market in bottled water and water purifiers.Thanks to Tilly and her geography lesson, they had been forewarned. Thank Heaven! That's fine! I am delighted for your sake.The man with the rattraps said good bye and thank you, and thereupon each went his own way.You'll let me go, and thank God you didn't shoot sooner.” “Thanks,” said the hermit, giving the king his spade.The mechanical hand is working again, thanks to the efforts of our technicians.The Satluj, the Beas, the Ravi, the Chenab and the Jhelum join together to enter the Indus near Mithankot in Pakistan.Thankfully, less harmful chemicals are now being used in place of CFCs.On the other hand, though the number of companies going for FCCB (Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds) issues has come down, several companies are still in the FCCB race, thanks to lax rules and disclosure norms.

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