They example sentences

They can also be issued for consideration other than cash or as a Collateral Security.However, they presume the rather improbable double coincidence of wants.What people eat, and how much do they weigh involve behavioural processes.But it turns out that the electrons are able to 'travel' through a perfect solid crystal smoothly and easily, almost as if they were in a vacuum.Poor people are in a situation in which they are ill-treated at almost every place, in farms, factories, government offices, hospitals, railway stations etc.For, comets can be new, coming as they do from the remote corners of the Solar System.Often, stereotypes consist of undesirable characteristics about the target group, and they lead to negative attitudes or prejudices towards members of specific groups.They are held in stock to be available as and when required.Despite their having toiled very hard, they earned little.They guide all the articles of the Indian Constitution.In fact, despite having the money to pay the required rent, they were not able to find an apartment for over a month.They considered their projects of collecting folktales and developing the German language as part of the wider effort to oppose French domination and create a German national identity.Quite often they are used as synonyms of personality.Show the total amounts of all receipts on its debit side irrespective of their nature (whether capital or revenue) and whether they pertain to past, current and future periods.They needed to calculate the timing of their movements, and ensure that they could move through different territories.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English